What We Do
Since 1982, the Partnership has supported an initiative of the Medical Missionaries of Mary to establish a Health Centre in Aror. The aim is to provide health services for the people of Aror to help save lives and prevent disease.
The Partnership supports the employment of qualified staff and the purchase of medical equipment and medication. In addition, the Partnership encourages the involvement of local people and staff in the management of the Health Centre. The Health Centre is an important resource for the whole community.
The 24-bed Health Centre provides extensive facilities and a wide variety of services:
General and emergency treatment
Transportation of serious cases to hospital
Ante-natal services
Labour ward facility
Post-natal care and education for mothers
Paediatric immunisation programme
Diagnostic services
Pharmacy services
HIV/AIDS voluntary counselling and testing centre
TB/AIDS isolation units
Thousands of lives have been saved in Aror over the years through the support of the Partnership. Many more people have been helped to maintain good health through the educational work at the Health Centre.
The need for latrines was the first project identified. This was a very basic and important community need. Other improvements include the provision of solar panels for the labour ward. This project was funded by students from the Sacred Heart School, Westport.
Projects funded by the Partnership in recent years include:
The building of a new fully equipped kitchen, enabling the safe preparation, cooking and storage of food for both patients and staff
The construction of a new septic tank system
The drilling of a borehole to provide a source of clean drinking water for the Health Centre with an outside tap so that locals can also access this clean, uncontaminated water.
Over the years the Westport Aror (Kenya) Partnership has witnessed and supported the transfer of management of the Health Centre from the Irish Medical Missionaries of Mary to management by Kenyans and supported by the Diocese of Eldoret. Surely this is the true spirit of partnership!